I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Interactive Geometry Lab at ETH Zürich since September 2024. In my research I seek to connect computer graphics- and geometry processing techniques to applications in machine learning. I received my doctorate cum laude from the Computer Graphics and Visualization group at the University of Technology Delft in October 2024. I was advised by Dr. Klaus Hildebrandt and supervised by Prof. Dr. Elmar Eisemann and Prof. Dr. Joris Dik.
I have gathered experience as a graphic designer and filmmaker during my undergraduate years. You can find some examples of that work on this website. Outside of academia, I enjoy making music, reading and discussing books, watching movies, biking, and playing soccer.
Sidebar painting: Ottmar Elliger, ‘Stilleven met bloemen en vruchten’ (1671), from the Rijksmuseum collection.
- rubenwiersma [at] gmail.com or ruben.wiersma [at] inf.ethz.ch
- IGL at ETH Zürich
Download a PDF version of this resume. An overview of my publications can be found here.
Professional experience
[2024 - Present] ETH Zürich, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Postdoctoral researcher at the Interactive Geometry Lab (IGL) with Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine-Hornung.
- Research on machine learning + geometry processing (object capture, geometric deep learning).
- Associate lecturer for Shape Modelling and Geometry Processing course.
[2023] Adobe, Research Internship
- Investigating material and appearance capture, mentored by Valentin Deschaintre and Julien Philip.
[2019] TU Delft, Teaching Assistant
- Developed assignments for new datamining and Machine Learning courses and lab assistance.
[2017] GeoPhy, Development Internship
- Developed end-to-end machine learning solution for estimating real-estate value.
[2012 - 2022] Wiersma Brothers, freelance, Video producer, graphic designer
- Founder, working on short films, graphic design and web development.
[2008 - 2010] GoPublic, Web Developer
- Back-end developer for websites and and business administration webapps.
[2019 - 2024] TU Delft, PhD Computer Graphics Cum Laude
Supervised by Elmar Eisemann, Klaus Hildebrandt and Joris Dik
- Geometry processing and machine learning (3 SIGGRAPH publications).
- Applications of computer graphics and machine learning for painting analysis (1 journal, 1 conference).
- Responsibilities: lecturing, lab assistance, creating assignments, thesis supervision (10 BSc, 3 MSc).
[2017 - 2019] TU Delft, MSc Computer Science Cum Laude (GPA 4.0)
- Focus on computer graphics and machine learning. Thesis (grade 9/10) “Harmonic Surface Networks”.
[2014 - 2017] TU Delft, BSc Computer Science Cum Laude (GPA 4.0)
- Focus on multimedia and data science. Thesis on “Automating Valuations for Real-Estate”.
[2013 - 2014] TU Delft, Propedeuse Industrial Design Engineering Cum Laude
[Summer 2022] MIT Summer Geometry Initiative (SGI), Mentor
- Mentored fellows of SGI in a project on “Learning on Surfaces”
[2020 - present] SIGGRAPH research and career development committee, Committee member
- Organized Conference Coffee at SIGGRAPH ‘21, SIGGRAPH Asia ‘21 and SIGGRAPH ‘22.
- Production/writing for website, Thesis Fast Forward, and SIGGRAPH/ToG writing guides.
[2020 - present] Reviewer
- ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH Asia, Pacific Graphics, TMAA, Computers & Graphics
[2013 - 2019] C.S.R. Delft (student association), Committee member, committee chair
- Organized festivities, academic debates and hosted lectures (20-300 participants).
- Produced several narrative short films and an anniversary book.
[2014 - 2017] Happietaria, Hartige Samaritaan, Restaurant staff manager, PR and communications manager
- Pop-up restaurant for charity, lasting one month, raised €78.913.
[September 2022] Best Full Paper Award, GCH 2022
- Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2022